Posts tagged with heating

We Suck At Home Energy Efficiency

House Energy Efficiency

I don’t know about you but I’ve had to get some of my winter clothes out of their “hibernation” because of this rather shitty weather we’re experiencing now and all hope of an Indian summer…

Radflek Radiator Reflector Review – Not Just Hot Air

Radflek radiator reflector panels

As the cold weather really starts to set in, I thought I’d look at what I could do to keep my flat warm without having the heating on so much. I’m lucky that my flat…

Ground Source Heat Pumps: Who Are They For?

ground source heat pump

After being crowned their Ultimate Eco Blogger for 2012, I thought I’d ask the experts over at Find Energy Savings to contribute to the blog. They happily agreed and I asked them to give a…

Dreamland Intelliheat – Warm Bed, Happy Wallet

warm, cosy bed

February finally brought the big chill after an otherwise mild winter, relatively speaking, and even though temperatures have only occasionally crept below zero in central London, the cold can still bite in my drafty, poorly…

Green Home Products – To Buy Or Not To Buy?

Green Home

I am facing a bit of a dilemma right now because I want to make my home life as green as possible. Now you’d think this would be as easy as buying all the energy…

Stay Warm This Winter Without Burning Cash

Warm Cosy Home

It’s dark when I wake up, my slippers have come out of their summer hibernation and a nice warm bowl of soup seems a lot more tempting to me now than it did a month…